Weston Minor Hockey League Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Respect In Sports - Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is the the web address for the program?
A. https://gthlparent.respectgroupinc.com/

2. Who has to complete the program?
A. One parent from each family; multiple children can be added to the certificate holders profile at any time.

3. What is the cost?
A. $12.00 one time fee payable by credit card. If you don't have a credit card, purchase a pre-paid credit card.

4. I am having trouble accessing the program. Who can help me?

A. Please refer ALL inquiries to the helpdesk link on the main page. There is a link to the helpdesk on the main page, bottom left corner. Do not contact Weston Minor Hockey League please.

5. I have my coaching/trainer certificate; do I have to complete the parent course?
A. If you are a parent of a hockey player, yes you do.

6. I already completed a parent course for my child's soccer team; do I still have to complete the course?
A. There is a link in the program to link your current certificate to your child's Hockey Canada profile. You will need to do this. If you need assistance with this, refer to item 4 above.

7. Why do I have to complete this course?
A. Because it has been mandated by the Ontario Hockey Association.

8. What if I don't complete this program?
A. Your child will not be able to play hockey in Ontario.

9. What if I go to another hockey organization. 
A. As long as you complete the program and link your child to your certificate, the certificate is good to play anywhere in Ontario.
10.  My player is 18 years or older, do I still have to complete this program?
A. No.

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